Sunday Morning Worship
with Sunday School for Children
We gather each Sunday morning in the sanctuary at 10:30 am. This service has a traditional feel, with organ music and hymns.
Sunday Afternoon Prayer Gathering
People gather every Sunday afternoon in the sanctuary at 4:00 pm. to pray and praise God.
Pastor's Bible Study
Every Monday at 10:00 am at the Eddy, residents and folks from Hope work through books of the Bible with plenty of lively discussion and prayer The Eddy is located at 2256 Burdett Avenue, Troy, NY 12180
Choir Rehearsal
Rehearsal for the Sunday morning service is held at 6:30 pm on Wednesdays in the sanctuary. New singers are welcome!
For information, call the church office.
IEarly Morning Prayer
Every morning at 6am (except for Friday and Sunday) folks gather in the sanctuary for a time of Bible study, prayer and fellowship. We finish promptly at 7am.
For information, call Pastor Dave at 279-1403
Children's Sunday School
Hope Sunday school meets during the 10:30 am Sunday service after a brief children’s time with the adults. We offer classes for preschool through 6th grade and nursery care for infants. Our Bible based curriculum teaches God’s love by engaging the children in stories, games and other activities.
Our teachers are all background checked, providing a Safe Sanctuary in a nurturing Christian environment for our children. We welcome visitors, and parents are encouraged to stay with young children until they are comfortable.